Maria Broderick
Head of Contracts
Company Secretary
Eithne is a Chartered Governance Professional, as an Associate of the Chartered Governance Institute and holds a Diploma with Distinction in Corporate Governance. Eithne has worked in practice, in two of the ‘Big 4’ accountancy firms, working with indigenous and international businesses before diversifying to in-house roles over the past 4 years. As Group Company Secretary, Eithne is responsible for corporate compliance, including corporate secretarial, accounts and tax filing compliance and corporate governance in the various jurisdictions, board support and meetings organisation and minuting, corporate formation in new and existing jurisdictions, to include VAT registrations and banking. Eithne is responsible for data room management, corporate entity management, document automation and storage and for respective software’s to streamline processes company wide and in a bid to have a single source of truth for corporate information.